Business Solutions
Serving the needs of Corporations, their employees and executives
401(k) Plans/Defined Contribution Plans »
We can help your company or organization with 401(k), 403(b), 457 and other defined contribution plans.…
Defined Benefit Plans may be an excellent solution for high-income professionals, independent consultants, 1-15 person firms, and the self employed. IRS tax code allows qualifying small business owners to contribute $100,000 or more to a pension plan each year. Contributions are fully tax deductible and can provide tens of thousands of dollars in tax savings each year that will go toward retirement.
Group Health Insurance / Workers' Compensation
Ketcham Capital works with many of the nation's largest health insurance carriers including: Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Health Net and Kaiser Permanente.
An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) serves as an employee benefit plan and a corporate finance tool. ESOPs help business owners meet a variety of individual and corporate goals…
Qualified employee benefit programs discriminate against owners and highly compensated employees by placing limits on their contributions, payouts and tax advantages.
Advanced strategies are for closely-held businesses with annual profits of at least $1 million. These strategies can provide substantial risk management, tax, cash flow, and other benefits.