Business Solutions

Serving the needs of Corporations, their employees and executives

Whether your business consists of just you and your customers - or you, your customers and thousands of employees - we can offer tools to help you keep it running smoothly.

401(k) Plans/Defined Contribution Plans »

We can help your company or organization with 401(k), 403(b), 457 and other defined contribution plans.…

Defined Benefit Plans »

Defined Benefit Plans may be an excellent solution for high-income professionals, independent consultants, 1-15 person firms, and the self employed.  IRS tax code allows qualifying small business owners to contribute $100,000 or more to a pension plan each year.  Contributions are fully tax deductible and can provide tens of thousands of dollars in tax savings each year that will go toward retirement.

Group Health Insurance / Workers' Compensation

Ketcham Capital works with many of the nation's largest health insurance carriers including: Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross, Health Net and Kaiser Permanente.

Employee Stock »

An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) serves as an employee benefit plan and a corporate finance tool. ESOPs help business owners meet a variety of individual and corporate goals…

Non-Qualified Plans »

Qualified employee benefit programs discriminate against owners and highly compensated employees by placing limits on their contributions, payouts and tax advantages.

Advanced Strategies »

Advanced strategies are for closely-held businesses with annual profits of at least $1 million. These strategies can provide substantial risk management, tax, cash flow, and other benefits.